Sleep problems
Between 40 and 50% of people struggle with insomnia. Everyone knows that a good night's sleep is very important. Everyone has to deal with not being able to sleep from time to time. Of course, this is an annoying problem because you will definitely notice the effects of this the next day.

You will feel lethargic and in addition, it is not so easy to remember important things. You may experience concentration problems and in some people, irritability even sets in quickly. 

Thus, stress plays an important role in this, but physical condition is also a leading factor. For instance, someone who is in transition, or someone who has ADHD can often suffer from sleep problems. It is not surprising then that people like to get a helping hand when it comes to sleep problems.

Sleeping well ensures that the body can recover optimally. 

Insomnia literally means 'no sleep'. Many people suffer from sleep problems for a period of time. For instance, you may have trouble falling asleep, sleep little, wake up often or wake up very early. This period often passes by itself and is often related to temporary periods of stress. However, some people suffer from chronic insomnia. If you suffer from this, it is a good idea to seek help.

Do you have trouble sleeping three nights or more a week? And do these sleep problems last longer than three months? Then you may be suffering from insomnia.

Where does your sleep problem come from?
There can be several causes for insomnia, for instance you can develop wrong sleeping habits through excessive use of alcohol and sleeping pills or staying in bed for too long. Insomnia can also have to do with underlying psychological problems.

Treating sleep problems
If you suffer from long-term insomnia, it is important to see what might work for you. On this website, you will find plenty of natural sleep aids, which have no or few side effects.

Vicious circle of insomnia
There can be several causes of insomnia. For example, your insomnia may arise from a period of stress or from an emotional event such as the death of a loved one. It starts with a few nights of poor sleep and then a vicious cycle can develop. The more often you sleep badly, the more frustrated you can become about this. Lack of sleep can also make you anxious. This can cause thoughts like 'I have to sleep well, otherwise I won't function tomorrow'. The stress that not sleeping thus causes you worsens poor sleep.

Also, not sleeping can lead to wrong sleep habits such as lying in bed for too long, sleeping during the day and excessive use of alcohol and sleeping pills. These wrong sleep habits will only make your sleep problems worse. For instance, the cause of your poor sleep may have already faded into the background by now, but your insomnia has persisted.

Insomnia and psychological problems
Insomnia may also be related to underlying psychological problems. It may be a feature of the psychological problems listed below:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Postnatal depression
  • PTSD
  • Psychosis
  • Social phobia
  • Stress disorders such as burnout and overworkedness
  • Bipolar disorder