Tips for better sleep
You probably recognise the following situation: You have been working late into the night on an important project. The next morning you lie down for a while and only wake up a few hours later? With the result that you can't sleep at night and can't get up the next morning...

Then it could well be that your natural rhythm, your biological clock, is in disarray. A short night with too little sleep and then you feel broken. And no matter how long (or rather, how short) you slept, you find it hard to concentrate the day after.

But did you know that you can also sleep too much? If you want to know how many hours of sleep you need per night, also read this article. We list our favourite tips for a good night's sleep. So you can start your day refreshed and rested!

Tips for a good night's sleep:

#1 make sure you get as little light as possible
Avoid lots of light before you go to sleep, especially blue light.
Any kind of light affects your sleep-wake rhythm. Your mobile phone and tablet emit a blue light. If your eyes are exposed to too much blue light at night, it slows down the production of melatonin. Your sleep-wake rhythm shifts, making you feel even more tired in the morning.

#2 Not too hot or too cold
Make sure your bedroom is not too cold, but not too hot either. The ideal temperature is around 18 - 21 °C. Your biological clock also affects your body temperature. It drops to a minimum when you sleep and rises again when you get up. If you are too hot or too cold while sleeping, this can affect the quality of your sleep and you will not wake up rested in the morning.

#3 stop exercising
Not quite natural, but it's best not to exercise right before you go to sleep. Exercising not only releases endorphins and dopamine, but also changes your body temperature. Want to do something good for your body before you go to sleep? Then choose a quiet activity and get ready to relax. We recommend a relaxing yoga session or a light meditation, for example.

#4 drink less coffee
Drink less coffee in the evening. Coffee has been shown to slow down melatonin production and so this can also disrupt your sleep-wake rhythm. You fall asleep later and when you wake up, you feel more tired than usual.

#5 get a good night's rest in the evening
Give yourself time to completely unwind in the evening. Close any tabs you still have open and let go of what you should have finished today. Do you find it hard to really end your day? Then jot down three things you did today, and things to think about tomorrow. This will ensure a clear head and a more relaxed night.

#6 daily routine
Human beings are creatures of habit. Therefore, for a restful night, it is best to always go to sleep and get up at the same time. If you manage to make it a daily routine, you might not even need an alarm clock anymore.
Did you know that you subconsciously associate the sound of your alarm clock with stress? So it's worth changing your alarm tone from time to time.

#7 Don't drink too much
Make sure you don't drink anything for 1 - 2 hours before you go to sleep. The urge to go to the toilet is one of the most common reasons why people feel disturbed in their sleep. Try not to drink alcohol at all. Sufficient sleep is very important for regeneration and muscle building. Initially, drinking alcohol makes you tired. However, your sleep quality arguably decreases. And after drinking alcohol, you wake up more often while sleeping. Your sleep rhythm is also interrupted and generally, alcohol also makes you sleep for a shorter time.

#8 Choose a light dinner
Before you go to bed, avoid foods that are difficult to digest and also avoid eating large meals in the evening.